Kata-kata aku mungkin bukanlah bak seorang pujangga yang sedang berbunga hatinya ..

Sunday, February 15, 2015

so much blessed

I really really feel like talking to him now but it feels like the chances are zero since im the one who betrayed him. I told him lies, I gave him fake promises so there is no use to feel regret right now.

Whatever it is, I am soooo grateful right now! Big big big thanks to the one up there, because I know, without His blessing I wouldnt be where I am today, i feel like crying! I feel so grateful so awesome as I've been offered to undergo my internship at this one company in Shah Alam! Haihhhh life was hard before I receive this offer, thought that no company would ever give me chances and help me with my practical program! Hahha I feel so blessed, thank you Allah! Of course, im so friggin nervous right now, If I could die, I would die of this nervousness! For sure, this feeling is happens to everyone but im at my limit already i think. im just hoping that I could awesomely face what should I face soon.

Still, I hope we can talk again soon. Take care.

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