Kata-kata aku mungkin bukanlah bak seorang pujangga yang sedang berbunga hatinya ..

Monday, February 23, 2015

Cause you werent there when i needed you the most so dont expect the same.
I am mad!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

so much blessed

I really really feel like talking to him now but it feels like the chances are zero since im the one who betrayed him. I told him lies, I gave him fake promises so there is no use to feel regret right now.

Whatever it is, I am soooo grateful right now! Big big big thanks to the one up there, because I know, without His blessing I wouldnt be where I am today, i feel like crying! I feel so grateful so awesome as I've been offered to undergo my internship at this one company in Shah Alam! Haihhhh life was hard before I receive this offer, thought that no company would ever give me chances and help me with my practical program! Hahha I feel so blessed, thank you Allah! Of course, im so friggin nervous right now, If I could die, I would die of this nervousness! For sure, this feeling is happens to everyone but im at my limit already i think. im just hoping that I could awesomely face what should I face soon.

Still, I hope we can talk again soon. Take care.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

In the end, to Him we shall return..

Malaysia has a sad today.

Two souls have been taken away. Two great souls. Yes, indeed, every soul shall taste death. Innalillahiwainailaihirojiun. Setiap yang bernyawa pasti ada penghujungnya, tak kira apa, manusia, haiwan atau tumbuhan. Takut. Bila dengar ada dua kematian orang terkenal dalam Malaysia ni, tipulah kalau tak sebak pasal kali ni kita letak tepi ketidaksefahaman politik tapi apa2 pon semoga kedua-duanya ditempatkan dalam kalangan orang2 yang beriman dan beramal soleh. Time kita belum tentu lagi, semoga dimatikan dalam husnul khotimah. Amin.

Bila kematian ni dihebahkan, itu adalah peringatan untuk yang hidup ni. Baru nak buat benda jahat terus delete terus cancel bai. Haha. Bukan apa, takut tak sempat taubat mati bukan kira siapa, bila, muda tua, kt mana, macamana sume. Baca surat khabar tadi, berapa banyak kematian, kalau tak terbukak hati ni tk tahu la kan. Haha siapa tak takut mati beb. Kalau ada yg tak takut tu ha mai datang sini ajar sikit cemana. haaa nak masuk intern pon aku pikir nyawa ni macam nak tinggal separuh dah haaa.. haihh mintak yang baik2 aje untuk aku, mak ayah, keluarga dan semua.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

scariest thing on earth

I feel like crying out loud cos I never thought that the world could be as scary as a ghost, as scary as an injection, as scary as a cockroach and any other things that Ive been feared since I was born!


I am so scared to face the future me!
I just want the february to stop as my practical basically would start on March!
To be honest, I have not guts at all to face the company, the people, the department, and everything!
Such a drama queen but who cares because that is exactly things that are currently running through my head! Sick! >.<

Positive vibes I need some dose of positive vibes!!!!!!

Chill la leha. Chill la >.<