Kata-kata aku mungkin bukanlah bak seorang pujangga yang sedang berbunga hatinya ..

Friday, November 23, 2012

Dingin malam macamnie sunyi jek..yang aku dengar bunyi burung2 jiran aku yg bersiul..kamonnn burung2 tu tk tidur jugakk ke main tweet2 XD.

Well actually I'm kinda happy when I received the msg from you, friend. Reason? Aku rasa bila saat kau teringatkan dia, kau ingat aku untuk mengadu..bangga sehh..haha at least kau berani jugakk dari aku yg mampu bercakap guna blog aku nie je haaaaa :/

Biasalahh..cerita dongeng hanya akan muncul bila hati teringat pada yg dah takde..lagi2 bila kau dah setup phone kau boleh post entri..cakap goodnight kt twitter then switch to this thing, betri phone panas kau tk pedulik pon kann..ohhh let's go back to the real story..you told me that when you read back the past conversation with him, you feel that he's still alive..I admit that you're not wrong because whenever I read my conversation with him, I could feel the same..siap tersengih bagai..gila ke apa..

Dahlahhhh..takde sape nk layan kau nie dahhhh..bosannnn jek!
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

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